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1953 MG TD.
1953 MG TD
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Address: Stratford, CT Exterior Color: Green
Interior Color: Black Car Class: COLLECTOR
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Okay, not original but a wonderful car for those who put 'better' before 'original.', An otherwise excellent TD, very nice black and gray (a few hardly noticeable blemishes) paint, all new interior, rare 15" wire wheels (the conversion to wire wheels costs around $4,000+), excellent chrome, very good top, new tonneau, new cloth covered wiring harness, brakes done, new exhaust....a long list of recent work done., BUT ...fitted with a rebuilt 1500cc MGA B Series engine and 'box. Well, at least it is an MG engine if not the correct engine for this application. But with 75 ore more hp and tons of torque, gives this TD a lot more performance, FAR more flexibility, and is far less expensive to maintain and rebuild (should the engine and trans ever need work)., In fact, due to the installation (which involved very little chassis modification), one who wants even more power can simply drop in a 1.8 liter MGB engine with, say, 100hp and really zoooooooooom., We have, over the years, sold a lot of TD conversion cars. Those who long for originality generally turn up their noses over a car such as this. But there are always a good number of potential buyers who say 'wow, that is EXACTLY what I would have done.' And lets face it, this car is way up on the collector's 'food chain' compared to a fiberglass TD replica with a VW engine ticking away in the trunk., In fact, unless you know T series MGs, one would never be aware of the conversion. After all, it IS a proper MG engine (even if the B Series engines had an Austin Heritage) and the mere installation of a nice alloy rocker cover with MG emblazoned on the top would satsify most., The gearbox is far more robust than the original, same with the engine. ANd if the bonnet is left closed, who would know?, On th eroad...accelerates like a VERY well tuned MG TF 1500 or MGA. Gearbox is fantastic with excellent synchromesh action, quiet operation, and a robust 'feel.' Exellent ride, handling, steering, and a nice 'tight' feeling of it having been put together well., If you like the style of the classic 'TD' you will love how this car goes., $19,500 ,, Advertiser Since 1974
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